Youcom | Pantanal Shopping
Cuiabá – MT
Retail Commercial Architecture
Project context:
New unit Youcom
Project of a new unit of the network of stores Youcom, specialized in clothing trade, in Shopping Pantanal, Cuiabá.
The challenge
For the construction of Youcom store in the shopping, 3 other stores were united, but one of them was in an old area of the shopping which has a gap between the levels.
Secondary Challenges
After the demolition of the stores, it was found a beam that was not indicated in the shopping projects and that could not be demolished without a considerable structural change in the project.
Beams and demolitions
After identifying the existence of the beam during the demolishing of the stores, with the support of the shopping and structural designer, we managed to create a solution that didn’t change the layout of the sales area. Although, in the mezzanine, we have to design a new layout to maintain the number of shelves necessary.
Technical Solutions
For not being necessary the execution of foundations for the mezzanine in the old area of the shopping, the mezzanine was anchored in the superior slab. An unusual solution for this kind of project.
In addition to that the new roof of the shopping was metallic and the installations could not be fixed in the roof structure, therefore it was necessary to design a structural frame supported by the existing floor slab.